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1. I don’t feel like I have a major problem. Can I still benefit from therapy?

In a word... YES! Truly, everyone could benefit from going to therapy. A common misconception is that you have to have a mental illness or serious condition to go to therapy. There is no such thing as a "problem too small" to talk about. .oing to therapy is a routine and preventive form of healthcare, just like going to the dentist or the doctor. Consider it like seeing a personal trainer for your mind!

2. Will my insurance cover our sessions? How does that work?

The not-so-simple answer is it depends on the type of insurance and policy you have. Many insurance companies cover most if not all of the cost of therapy services. We are currently in-network with BCBS, Optum, and Sanford health plans.  You may have a co-pay much like if you went to the doctor. While we are happy to bill your insurance, you are encouraged to check on your coverage before your first appointment.  More information can be found here.

3. How do I pay for services?

If you do not have insurance or chose not to use your insurance to pay for services, we are happy to work out a payment plan with you. Please reach out for more information. 

4. Can I schedule an appointment for my spouse/parent/loved one?

While we certainly understand that you are concerned for your loved one, they need to set up their own appointment. If the concerns you have for your loved one are causing inturruption in your daily life, perhaps it would be helpful for you to work with a therapist on ways to help you cope. Parents are welcome to set up appointments for their children.

5.Does what we talk about in therapy remain confidential?

Absolutely! Trust is arguably the most important aspect of a theraputic alliance. The only exception to this are laws that require reporting of abuse and/or neglect, self-harm, or dangers to others. This will be discussed in detail prior to your first session.

6. Will you think I am crazy?

Absolutely not.

7. How will I know therapy is working? How soon will I feel better?

There are many markers that you can use to determine if therapy has been helpful. You may notice that your moods and emotions have improved, feeling less impulsive, having improved relationships, a change in your thinking, and an overall feeling of better satisfaction with your life, amongst other postive changes. With therapy, there is no timeline.. some people report feeling better after just one session, but the majority of people report feeling much better after three months.

8. I am still not sure. How can I find out more?

We totally understand. The decision to start therapy is an important one, and finding the right therapist can be hard. We encourage you to call us and we can answer any additional questions you may have.

Scheduling an appointment

You can either call us or use the button above to schedule an appointment. When you click the button above, you will be taken to a page to leave your email address and/or phone number. Once that is received, someone will contact you shortly to schedule.

© 2021-2024 Buzick Counseling Services PLCC